The McNeese Review Issue 61 (2024) is available for purchase! Back issues, as well as 2-Year, 3-Year, & 5-Year Subscriptions, are also available.
In all genres, we are particularly interested in seeing work from women, people of color, LGBTQ writers, non-binary writers, people with disabilities, and other underrepresented groups.
Submitting to The McNeese Review
Submissions of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction for Volume 63 (2026) of The McNeese Review are welcome from June 1st - August 15th, 2025.
Please follow the guidelines for the relevant genre of your work and please submit no more than once per reading period (multiple submissions will not be read unless the editors have specifically requested that the writer submit again). Submit only original work. Let us know if your writing borrows from or quotes another writer.
We encourage simultaneous submissions; however, please use Submittable to withdraw your submission if it is accepted by another publication. If you need to withdraw a single poem or piece of flash fiction or nonfiction but wish to keep other work in your submission under consideration, please use the Note feature on Submittable.
No material published in The McNeese Review may be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without the permission of the authors. Writers retain all rights to their work. We ask that The McNeese Review be credited with first publication. All print contributors receive one contributor copy and a $50 honorarium. Contributors outside of the U.S. will receive two additional author copies in lieu of the honorarium.
There is a $3 charge for submitting to help offset production costs. We look forward to reading your work!
Looking for Boudin submission info: See its new Submittable page:
Print subscriptions are available here.
Digital subscriptions are available through Project MUSE.
Our current issue is available for purchase for $15.00.
Back issues of The McNeese Review are available for purchase for $8.00.
(U.S. Shipping only.)
Digital copies and subscriptions are available through Project MUSE.